Saturday, December 12, 2009

Divesting Ourselves

One of the saddest aspects of ADHD is its co-morbidity with a number of other psychological and neurological disorders, (e.g., depression, addiction, migraine, etc.) Along with all of those examples mentioned, I can sometimes be dangerously impulsive. Impulsiveness works well on the dance floor but seldom elsewhere. Put a credit card in my hand, and I can quickly do some damage. The evidence is on my bookshelves and my DVD rack, where I have buried thousands of dollars, but I might as well have burned it all. How am I ever going to recoup those losses?

I am going to try my hand at internet mercantilism – selling what I can on eBay. It will require of me time and dedication, two commodities I have in short quantity. I would be interested in any advice my readers would be willing to provide this neophyte entrepreneur.

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