My wife and I had become fans of the
Chicago Diner long before we started our vegan lifestyle. Simply stated, the Diner serves the best food in Chicago. They make a more delicious and satisfying meal than any other restaurant in the city. Admittedly, they have a big advantage – vegan food just tastes better – and no one in Chicago does vegan better than the Chicago Diner.
Anyhow, I just finished a Double Chocolate Monster Cookie from the Diner, and big surprise, it was the tastiest cookie I have ever eaten, a CD-sized chocolate chip chocolate cookie with a powdered sugar glaze frosting, and it was pure chocolate – not even any casein to clot at the back of the throat. Amazing!
"Chocolate is Nature's way of making up for Mondays."

One of the best aspects of veganism is that our foods lack those nasty (and distracting) aftertastes that one has to suffer when they eat foods with dairy or eggs or other animal fat derivatives. After the Chicago Diner's cookie, the only remaining flavors are the original flavors of the cookie, the flavors the baker intended for me to enjoy when she baked the cookie, the flavors I wanted to enjoy when I bought the cookie.
I wholeheartedly recommend veganism to everyone. It is better for your health, better for the environment, and it will make you a more compassionate person because you know that your dietary efforts will help improve domestic animals' quality of life. I especially recommend the vegan lifestyle to my fellow ADHDers, because with improved diet comes improved brain and nerve function, which can result in greater focus.
Finally, if you do decide to try veganism, do not delay. Try the Chicago Diner today. You will not be disappointed.
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