Thursday, December 10, 2009

Political Ideology Quiz Results

I took the Political Ideology Quiz on Facebook and achieved the following result:

Very Liberal

You are very liberal. You are about as far left as you can be before heading into Stalin's backyard.

Yes, these quiz results are accurate in that I am very liberal (and proud to be considered as such), yet are flawed in that Stalin was not a liberal. As the leader of the regime and as Lenin's legacy, he was actually a conservative. Trotsky was the true liberal among the Bolsheviks. This quiz and its ilk can only serve to further entrench our nation's young people in the mired ignorance, fed by hate mongers and the far right.

But, c'mon, right? It is a stupid Facebook quiz, right?

Yes, it is an inanely simplistic and stupid quiz, but it is also a product of the low education standards that we have in this country. To dig ourselves out of this bogged ignorance and apathy, our nation needs to re-invest in the cultural and educational institutions that the Bush administration ignored.

Gabba-gabba-hey, apes.

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