Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Do You With a Pushy Neighbor?

My wife and I have a neighbor who takes every opportunity to let us know how much our lifestyle inconveniences him. Without going into too much detail, he wants us to stop one of our rituals, so that he can have a better quality of life. Yet, this particular ritual (running a few miles on the treadmill) is necessary for my wife's health. Her rare blood-clotting gene that demands from us both the highest standard of health maintenance.

My quandary, of course, persists: do I convince my wife to forestall her morning run? No, I would sooner risk my own health, than my wife's. Should she, instead, continue running on the treadmill? Well, that is the issue, isn't it? She must run on the treadmill, yet our circumstance is preventing her from doing so.

As a clinically Inattentive man, I have a tendency to be pathologically single-minded. Once I make a decision, I usually do not adjust my tactical approach, which is not the best operational method when diplomacy is necessary. This will be an interesting chess match indeed.

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