Thursday, October 1, 2009

To Blog Or Not To Blog

Read Driven From Distraction. Without a doubt, it is the best book on ADHD for those who have the disorder and for those who need to learn about it.

Started blogs before.
Got bored after while.
Then I started other blogs.
Got bored with them.
Just started a new blog.
I'm bored already.
The problem isn't that
I'm wasting time,
It's that I have the time to waste.

We'll all be lucky if this lasts a month.

Normally, I'm not so melancholy, but this gloomy weather is really getting to me.

I'll drop by my support group tomorrow night, but right now I have other stuff I need to do.

(TIP: If you're writing for people with ADHD, put all the most important information at the very beginning of whatever you've written. They probably won't read the rest anyway.)

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