Friday, October 30, 2009

Mirror, Mirror, On My Kitchen Floor

This painting is my interpration of the Magic Mirror from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. I made it for my wife's office Halloween party.
Magic Mirror: "I can't believe that you use full spectrum lighting in your kitchen."

Every year, her office has contests for Best Costume and Best Decoration. This year, my wife's team chose Snow White, and I was conscripted into painting this piece for her team.

I started off re-watching the Mirror's scenes, watching how the mirror expressed itself and how the infernal magic smoke moved. Then I ran a Google images search of the "Evil Queen Talking Magic Mirror." I sketched a half-dozen studies of the image, and subsequently went at it. Acrylic paint on an oval canvas. I set it up in the kitchen here next to the open dishwasher to establish a sense of scale. This was a lot of fun, but I am glad that I did not have to paint this gratis.

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